Dedication of the Society to Our Lady on the Feast of the Annunciation, 1934
The dedication, Causa Nostrae Laetitia (Cause of Our Joy), is written by hand by Anna Dengel.

In around 1964, Anna Dengel explained her reasons for this dedication, as follows:
"You may wonder why we chose this title: “Cause of our Joy” –
It did not strike me until I went to the Orient, now over 30 years ago, until I came in contact with the life of women in the patriarchal family system."
She goes on to explain:
"The changes in the East are bringing about a radical change in the life of women and that change in turn brings about a great social change with great possibilities for good. The women of the Orient and Africa have been held in the chains of the patriarchal system - they have suffered and endured to a heroic degree. Also they have learned and practised discipline. They have enormous latent powers and capacities ...
I need not mention our blessings as Catholic women. We know our dignity - that it is based on our being children of God and heirs of creation.
On a day like this, it is most opportune to count one’s blessings and resolve to share them to one’s utmost ...
Our Lady is the Cause of our Joy because she brought Christ into the world. It is our hope and our aim that through our apostolate, she will also become the Cause of Joy to those with whom we come into contact."