North India

Our history in North India
Unit North India started as an MMS Region under the American Pro-Province. As a Region, the Unit had its beginnings in Patna, Bihar, in 1939. responding to the health needs of the people who were in the most underdeveloped State in India and began with a small healthcare centre in the dilapidated church building. After the General Chapter 1967, District North India became an independent entity under Sector Asia. Today, Unit North India is involved in the States of Bihar, Jharkhand, Maharashtra and Union territory - New Delhi.

Focus of our mission in North India
Delivering quality healthcare
Offering complementary healing therapies
Promoting ecology and care of the earth
Supporting sustainable lives and communities
Delivering education and skills training
Campaigning for justice and peace
Delivering healthcare in Patna - Bihar & Kasiadih - Jharkhand
In these locations, we:
- Deliver direct healthcare through involvement in the Holy Family hospital;
- Run community health centres in Patna and Maner, Bihar, with a special focus on maternal and childcare;
- Organise nutrition programmes for the rural women and children;
- Collaborate with the Government towards eradication of TB, malaria and cholera, all rampant in Bihar; and
- Coordinate the health centres in the tribal area in Jharkhand where medical care is inaccessible to people.

Delivering complementary healing therapies in Pune - Maharashtra; Mandar - Jharkhand; & Holy Family Hospital Patna
Here, our focus is:
To offer acupuncture and naturopathy treatment;
To treat Downs syndrome children;
To offer massage and counselling; and
To use herbal remedies.

Ecology and care of the Earth in Maharashtra, Bihar, Jharkhand & New Delhi
We are involved in:
- Organic farming;
- Plantation of trees;
- Making organic manure;
- Poultry and animal husbandry;
- Promotion of renewable energy;
- Offering awareness programmes for responsible use of resources to reduce our carbon footprint;
- Opening of the new Eco-Health and Healing Centre in Pune; and
- Offering space for quiet and retreats and communing with nature

Blessing of the new Eco-Healing and Health Centre in Pune
The blessing of the new Eco-Healing and Health Centre took place on 17th April 2021 and celebrations had to be scaled down due to the ongoing pandemic and local restrictions.
However, it was a very joyful day for the Medical Mission Sisters' community in Pune after years of hard work planning, funding and overseeing construction of the new buildings on the site.
The Centre will open its gates to welcome many people in the local community in future years, whether they come to use its healthcare services, or are part of groups participating in eco spirituality retreats or, as ordinary citizens from Pune and the region, wish to leave the crowded city behind to breathe fresh air and find peace by sitting quietly in its gardens.

Promoting sustainable lives and communities in Pune, Phulgaon, Bihar, Jharkhand & New Delhi
We are involved in:
- Campaigning against systemic injustice and discrimination, especially for and with the Dalit group;
- Standing up against child marriage, child labour, the caste and dowry systems;
- Promoting education of the girl child;
- Calling for the protection of the forests and the land of the indigenous people;
- Promoting use of local products;
- Coordinating women’s cooperative in Phulgaon to seek economic justice;
- Animating awareness programmes for people living with HIV/AIDs;
- Offering nutrition programmes and help people to gain free government medical treatment; and
- Managing the de-addiction programme in Mandar and raising awareness amongst villagers.

Education and skills development training in Pune, Jharkhand & Bihar
In these locations, we are:
- Delivering holistic health education in Pune;
- Running a college of nursing in Patna;
- Offering skills development training for school dropouts; and women victims of domestic violence in Phulgaon;
- Conducting capacity building for youth and adults in Bihar and Kasiadih; and
- Delivering informal education for children from poor families in Bihar.

Campaigning for justice and peace in New Delhi, Jharkhand & Bihar
In these locations, we vigorously:
- Join hands with NGOs to combat human trafficking in Delhi;
- Run awareness programs to protect the rights of the Dalit community in New Delhi and Bihar;
- Offer legal aid to women;
- Enable people to benefit from Government benefits for the working class and widows in Bihar;
- Collaborate with NGOs working with refugees in New Delhi; and
- Cooperate with like-minded people in responding to social and economic issues in New Delhi