
Our history in germany
Since 1958, Medical Mission Sisters and Associates in Germany have been living and working in three major urban centres - in Berlin, Frankfurt and the Ruhr area.
This is their website:
Focus of Our Mission
Healthcare - especially for those with no/less access to official healthcare services;
Social Services for disadvantaged and marginalised individuals and groups; and
Complementary Pastoral Ministries offered to all those in search of meaning in life and in new, creative expressions of their faiths.
Delivering healthcare
We provide:
- A Drop-in-Clinic for uninsured homeless people and migrants, including those suffering from substance abuse and/or psychiatric illness;
- Health counselling and support for refugees; and
- Active participation in advocacy and networking for a more inclusive health service.
- Physiotherapy and complementary healing in palliative care.
- Service in the Public Health Office with a focus on disadvantaged children.

Sister Maria treating a homeless man

Sister Karin counselling a refugee mother
Involvement in social services
We are:
- Offering different supportive services (food, clothing, counselling, language courses, overnight shelter, first aid) at a social-pastoral Drop-in Centre for homeless people, migrants, refugees and migrant youth who are at risk;
- Animating inter-cultural exchange through urban gardening for women; and
- Participating in networking and advocacy for a more just society.
- Animating and facilitating interaction and inclusion of persons with disabilities in society and church.
- Accompanying and arranging necessary support for isolated and housebound older persons; and
- Accompanying refugees.
- Participating in a wide range of networking and advocacy for justice, peace and the preservation of life on our planet.

Sister Theresia arranging help at Elisabeth Outpatient Clinic for homeless people in Frankfurt

Sister Maria providing care and counselling for housebound persons in Essen

Offering complementary pastoral ministries
- Chaplaincy work in psychiatric hospital;
- Chaplaincy work among people with disabilities;
- Welcoming people for services and creative expressions of faith; and
- Offering psycho-spiritual accompaniment for those searching for meaning and/or the integration of life experiences and faith.
- Chaplaincy work in hospital and hospice;
- Spiritual animation and creative expressions of faith to complement established parish services;
- Animation and support of new pastoral initiatives by lay people;
- Promoting attentiveness and a contemplative attitude;
- Welcoming people for worship and creative expressions of faith; and
- Offering psycho-spiritual accompaniment for those searching for meaning and/or the integration of (painful) life experiences and faith.
- Coordinating and animating creative pastoral initiatives at parish and diocesan level;
- Animating and supporting new pastoral initiatives by lay people;
- Animating and facilitating inter-religious dialogue; and
- Welcoming people for worship and creative expressions of faith.
- Chaplaincy for university students;
- Offering diverse courses and events promoting attentiveness and contemplative awareness as support for coping with life’s ups and downs at a Centre for Meditation and Spirituality;
- Spiritual animation and creative expressions of faith to complement established parish services;
- Accompaniment and support of religious, including those of other cultures;
- Welcoming people for worship and creative expressions of faith; and
- Offering psycho-spiritual accompaniment for those searching for meaning and/or the integration of life experiences and faith;

Sister Thekla promoting vocations among young people in Berlin

Associate Conny explaining the essentials of meditative archery at a retreat day in Berlin

Hosting an international meeting in Germany