
Where does our inspiration come from?
Our Constitution guides our aspirations to become a healing presence, wherever we live in the world and, as Medical Mission Sisters, helps to shape our every action.
Below you can read an extract from it.
Our Constitution: A Society Called to Mission
Drawn by God present in the centre of our being and in all created life and in the Spirit of Jesus,
We are called
to be a healing presence
at the heart of a wounded world,
to witness to the integrity of all creation,
and to build one world
where the gifts of all people,
all cultures,
all creation,
are affirmed and celebrated.
We commit ourselves
to promote healing and wholeness
in all aspects of life,
to seek to preserve the integrity of life
and to act where this integrity is threatened,
to participate in the movement of empowerment
of those made poor
and those who are oppressed,
weaving care and compassion
into the web of life.
Together with others similarly called,
we participate in the birth of a new world reality
as we link our lives
with those made poor,
with those who suffer,
with those who are victims of systemic injustice,
labouring to bring about our mutual liberation,
publicly witnessing to alternate ways
of being and behaving,
pushing beyond those boundaries
which separate and divide.
Shaping a world where no-one is left behind
The life and mission of Anna Dengel and all those who have gone before us continue to be a source of inspiration for us. Anna Dengel, inspired by Agnes McLaren, dared to be a pioneer in response to the specific needs of her time. Her passion for mission was lived in constant discernment - with deep faith and trust in her call.
Anna's charism of healing and love for the poor, especially deprived women and children, is a gift of the Spirit in the Church and the world. The Spirit continues to draw others to share our gift. Fidelity to our inner call often places us on the margins of culture, religion and Church. This challenges us to a new kind of pioneering and to taking a prophetic stance that has political impacts on religion, culture and other social realities - shaping a world where no-one is left behind.
We live by this inspiration as we respond to the needs and challenges of our own times.
An inspiring meeting for members from across the world took place in Germany in 2018, offering an opportunity to deepen spirituality and share inspiration.