Sister Miriam Therese Winter
Sister Miriam Therese Winter: Singer of Songs and Author
Sister Miriam Therese Winter (or Sister MT as she is known) entered the Medical Mission Sisters, in Philadelphia (USA) in 1955. The Society’s founder, Anna Dengel, was still in residence there and the two established a bond that would deepen through the years.
In the wake of Vatican II, the Spirit-inspired songs of Sister Miriam Therese and the Medical Mission Sisters became a part of many faith traditions and cultures around the world. Anna Dengel, born in an alpine village, loved those songs that embodied the spirit of her Society.
Sister Miriam Therese, with a PhD from Princeton Theological Seminary and four honorary doctorates has been on the faculty of Hartford International University since 1980. Currently Professor Emerita of Transformative Leadership and Spirituality, she is a metaphorical theologian who emphasizes Spirit and the unifying energies of the Sacred in our quantum universe.

Sister Miriam Therese's Books
Her books, as shown below, can be ordered through UK booksellers, such as Waterstones or WH Smith.
What Are Sister Miriam Therese's Books About?
- If You Love - tells the story of Anna Dengel as she challenges society stereotypes;
- In the Spirit of Jesus - is a book not about Jesus, but about what Jesus was about;
- Paradoxology - explores spirituality in a quantum universe;
- WomanWisdom, WomanWitness & WomanWord - each a Feminist Lectionary and Psalter; Women of the Hebrew Scriptures and New Testament;
- The Gospel of Mary - tells the very familiar story of Jesus, but through the imaginary eyes of a first-century woman;
- Out of the Depths - interviews Ludmila Javorova, Czech Republic 1970, ordained in the Roman Catholic underground church; and
- An Anthology of Scripture Songs - the songs collected in this book are Biblical, born of a dialogue with scripture and the realities of life.