Sister Betty Nabuguzi
Sharing my creative story
Elisabeth Betty Nabuguzi is my name. I am a Medical Mission Sister. I am a Ugandan, currently serving in Ghana, West Africa. I am a teacher by profession. I work at Gilberto Academy Music School where I teach music to senior high school students and other people who take courses in music.
My love for music began when I was still a very little girl. I loved it so much that tunes kept ringing in my head and this meant that I kept singing almost all the time. I also loved listening to songs on the radio and those at church services. Other places where I took time to learn songs were schools and social events, like weddings and funerals. Each time I got opportunity to listen to a song, I would sing it all the way through. When I went to church on Sundays, I would join my little voice to that of the choir, each time they were singing. And when we returned home, I would sing, now and then, until sometimes my mother could not bear it anymore and would ask me in frustration, ‘Should you be singing all time without a break?’ Well, even this did not stop me from singing.
While at home with my siblings, singing was part of our entertainment activities. My part was to sing and play jerry cans as drums, while the others danced. Little did I know that they were enjoying my singing very much for often they used to call me to sing while they listened.

Remembering my adolescence
I do remember vividly, when at some point close to growing into adolescence, I lost my voice! I could neither sing nor talk for anybody close to me to hear. This became a cause of worry for myself and those around me. Thanks be to God, my voice later returned and I was able to continue from where I had left off! But it is just an unimaginable fact that, in as much as I had such a burning talent in me, I had very minimal involvement with singing in schools that I attended.

Discovering my talent
The talent was only later realised and actively utilised - mostly, when I started working. Then, I had many opportunities to work with church and youth ministries. As a teacher, apart from teaching songs to children from my school, who sung liturgies at church, I was also a member of the church choir where I was able to use my God-given talent even more often.
It was also through these programmes that I realised the gift in me was not only to sing, but also to compose songs which, together with a group that I had joined at the time, had the opportunity to record and produce some albums.
An education in music
To God be the glory that this same Spirit has continued with me - even now. I have a great passion for music. I participate in liturgies for mass. I train the choir who sing the Mass in our parish. I also work with children whom I help to develop their talents, especially through singing.
It was through these apostolates that I realised a need to study music to enable me to read and write music to benefit even more those for whom I worked. Upon hearing my request, Medical Mission Sisters sponsored my education in music. I did a two years’ diploma course at the University of Education in Ghana.

My newly released album: We Were Created to Love
In order to develop my knowledge and skills in musical-composition works, after finishing my studies at the university, I decided to record some songs which I produced in a new album, entitled “We Were Created to Love”. Medical Mission Sisters in Ghana launched this new album on 31st January, 2021. This music has had a great impact on many people who have listened to it. It has as well boosted my energy and encouraged me to think of producing another album, if and when there will be the possibility of doing this.
Music as a pathway to healing
I wish to continue extending God’s healing mission in many ways - including through music for many, especially children and young people. I wish to continue helping young people to develop their talents through singing.
I have realised that the more I use my talent and share it with others, the more it develops. Lots of thanks must go to MMS and all who have been of great support to me during this gradual, personal but exciting journey of growth.