Radio phonograph
Radio phonograph
Inscription, 10 November 1958
Inscription, 10 November 1958
Song of thanksgiving
Song of thanksgiving
Thanksgiving, 1933
Thanksgiving, 1933


On this day when Medical Mission Sisters and Associates in Unit North America are gathering to celebrate the Thanksgiving holiday together, and a turkey dinner, we are displaying a picture of what is called a radio phonograph. This gift was presented to Anna Dengel by the Dutch sisters to give thanks on the occasion when an honorary degree was awarded to her by the University of Nijmegen in The Netherlands in November 1958.

A song of thanksgiving was composed to remember this special occasion by Sisters at the Generalate in Rome.  It was sung to the tune of Santa Lucia, as follows:

"Let’s all join in song, 

There’s cause for joy tonight.

Thanksgiving fills the heart 

For blessings given.



Mark how it echoes round

Mother has donned a gown, once more a graduate is she, 



With you we celebrate

Honor by labor won,

Our Sisters round the world

Join in the chorus now!



Marks how it echoes round

Mother has donned a gown once more a graduate is she, 


In the photo opposite, you can see Sister M Elizabeth and Sister M Gabriel stacking thanksgiving gifts from friends in Washington in 1933.

We give gratitude on this day and wish everyone joy!